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EDWARD I., surnamed the Elder, son

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:34 am
by soojin
ric amusements than to tho management of affairs of state, had yet succeeded in obtaining some important advantages over the emperor Charles V. and the house of Spain, and in terminating favorably a long series of wars, chiefly in Italy and the Netherlands, against the growing might of that house. Henry died in 1559 of a wound accidentally received in a tournament. Francis, then ahoy of 16 years, possessed of neither character, strength, nor talent, succeeded to the throne. He had already married the daughter of James V. of Scotland, the beautiful and afterward unhappy Mary Stuart. Her influence gavo the reins of government to her uncles, Francis duke of Guise, and the cardinal of Lorraine. The arrogant sway of these two ambitious and unscrupulous princes alarmed and irritated the princes of the blood, Anthony king of Navarre, and his Canada Goose Sale brother Louis of Conde, who became the leaders of a Protestant party in opposition to the court. Every thing concurred to produce civil commotion. Protestantism had penetrated, Coach Outlet Store Online in the form of Calvinism, into France. Its spirit suited that of the feudal nobility, and the profligacy and corruption introduced by tho Italian Medicis into the court and manners of France, and the influence of strangers, disposed the people to rebellion. It was by secret plots, however, rather than by open Coach Outlet Online revolt, that tho Protestant princes tried to wrest power from the hands of tho Guises. Assisted by the duko of Montmorency, La Renandio, and others, they framed the conspiracy of Amboise, in which they agreed to enter that placo on a certain day in detached parties, to
massacre the Guises, and seizo tho person of tho king. But tho plot was denounced almost at the moment of execution, by two Protestants; the duke of Guise secretly assembled a body of troops, and cut to pieces the forces of tho Canada Goose Coats conspirators as they were entering the city. His triumph was stained with barbarous cruelty, and the waters of the Loire wero colored with the blood of those who fell in combat or perished on Canada Goose Cheap the scaffold. The court was depraved or bigoted enough to gaze at the executions, as scenes of public festivity, from platforms and the windows of tho castle. Arrests and executions throughout the country followed. The duke of Guiso was made lieutenant-general of the kingdom. The axe was brought into play to stifle the opposition of tho princes, and the inquisition was set up to repress Calvinism. A royal edict made tho bishops, instead of tho parliaments, judges of heresy; tho chancellor Canada Goose Jackets Do l'llopital gave his consent, led by reasons of humanity and caution, and having sufficient proof of the persecuting spirit of the parliaments. But at the samo time, and for the samo reasons, he urged, tho calling of a general, or, if the pope refused, of a national council, to pacify the church and France. Tho princes of Lorraine, desirous of completing their victory by the death of Cond6, convened tho states-general at Orleans. Conde had tried to dissemblo his mortification after tho failure of Amboise, and Canada Goose Outlet was now imprudent enough to appear. Ho was arrested, tried, and soon condemned to die as a traitor. The death of Francis, however, saved his life, and restored him to the leadership of the Huguenots. The young king had long suffered from an Coach Factory Outlet Online abscess in his ear, and died after a reign of 17 months, so suddenly that rumors of poison, now regarded as unfounded, spread, and were believed throughout tho country; the more Coach Outlet easily, as assassination was becoming fashionable in France, and tho queen- mother was renowned for her love of alchemy and the use of poisons. Francis bequeathed to his brother and successor, Charles IX., then a boy of 10 years of age, a treasury loaded with debt, and a state full of the elements of civil war. The regency was intrusted to Catharine de' Medici, whoso intrigues fostered the flame of civil and religious dissensions.
FRANCIS I. (STEPHEN), emperor of Germany, born in 1708, died Aug. 18,1705. Howastheson of Leopold, duke of Lorraine, and of a niece of Louis XIV., and the great-grandson of Ferdinand III., emperor of Germany. In 1729 he succeeded his father as duke of Lorraine and Bar, but in consequence of the war of the Polish succession, in which Louis Coach Factory Outlet XV. took a feeble part in support of his father-in-law, Stanislas Leszczynski, the dethroned king of Poland, his duchy was exchanged for