Multi-touch Input Refinement

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Multi-touch Input Refinement

Post by jetrost »

There is multi-touch, but it only seems to work if the two letters I'm pressing are far enough apart.

Example: If I'm typing the word "employer" for instance, it works fine if I press the M while I still have the initial E pressed. However, if I'm typing the word "the", if I press the H before I release my finger from the T, it only types the H and disregards the initial T press.

I'm presuming it assumes since the letters are relatively close together, my pressing the H was simply a correction of the initial T press.

Perhaps if this little problem could be fixed, it could be better than the stock android keyboard in the multi-touch regard. I'm unsure if this is an issue with the software or hardware though... :?
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Re: Multi-touch Input Refinement

Post by cyril »

Which phone are you using ? Does it work somehow better with the Android stock keyboard ?

The problem about multitouch is that the application only receives key events from the Android framework, and with some (many) phones, these events are often wrong. The bugs depend on the phone model, but in any case that's an issue at the hardware level, or at the touchscreen kernel driver (I cannot really tell where it comes from exactly).
If close keys are not handled correctly on your phone, this is a typical example of hardware/driver issue and unfortunately there is not much I can do about this. Then I would be very surprised that the stock keyboard could work better for these cases, but if it does, it is interesting for me to know that !
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Re: Multi-touch Input Refinement

Post by jetrost »

I am using Motorola Droid, Android version 2.0.1. The stock keyboard seems to behave exactly the same in regards to the multi-touch capabilities.

Based on my limited knowledge on the matter and from what you said about the key events coming from the Android framework, I would have to agree with you that this problem probably cannot be fixed properly from your end as a software developer.

I am trying to think of a work-around that could be done on your end, but I am afraid I don't know enough about the key events and Android framework to do much else than guess at a solution. (Something along the lines of common words/letter-combinations that this problem affects, such as "the".) (It also occurs to me that this problem typically would only occur on letters near the center of the keyboard, since these are the letters most likely to be pressed with both thumbs.)
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Re: Multi-touch Input Refinement

Post by cyril »

Yes I already did some workarounds, to avoid unexpected keypresses on the Symbols, Delete and Enter keys, but for the other problems I really fear that it's not solvable easily. For instance the framework sometimes reports events such as "finger 2 down: x=0, y=131", while the actual keypress was on x=31, y=131... This is one example, but there are other ones, and I cannot even guess what were the actual coordinates.
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Re: Multi-touch Input Refinement

Post by mazz0310 »

I'm just really hoping that 2.1 fixes the multitouch a little bit.
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Re: Multi-touch Input Refinement

Post by HermanJacobs »

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