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Swipe to a certain language

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:54 am
by goodie
I have three languages(EN/KO/JP) installed, and mostly I use two of them.

When I want to change from Korean to English,
I have to click the language button twice (each of which takes some time, probably due to loading time?)
or thanks to the new feature I can long press the language button and slide it.

I think it would be more convenient if I can set to a certain language by swipe action.
For example, swipe left to English and swipe right to Korean.
Or, it might be nice to have swipe left set to "previous language", as I think most people who have more than two languages installed would not use more than two languages within a paragraph.

Re: Swipe to a certain language

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:10 am
by cyril
OK, swipe for previous language is easy I can add this

Re: Swipe to a certain language

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:25 am
by goodie
That would be great,
Thanks alot!

Re: Swipe to a certain language

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:11 am
by cyril
Swipe for previous languages is in the latest beta